There is rugged beauty in Northern California, stretching up into the pine forested territory of Oregon. Though I only spent two weeks here – not long, given how beautiful and serene, vast, and full of so many things to explore here this area is — however, it sank into my soul, like it does, I am sure, to those who visit the region.

Like a cup full of stars, that a mythical goddess could drink and never quite reach the bottom of the universe, creating mysteries in the worlds of the night sky in some myth, half-forgotten….that is how California’s spirit and Oregon’s, in parts, washed over me while I was there, like the waves crashing along the coast along Bodega Bay and up the Pacific Highway One coastal route.

A visual guide to where I went. Some suggestions – Muir Woods, Bodega Bay, Sebastapol (lots of fun shops – handmade jewelry and gemstones, handcrafted artisan furniture, eateries, and so on), the Rose Garden in Eugene, Oregon, and of course, San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf and the gardens….

with so many places to explore, I will only say that the Japanese Gardens in Portland, Oregon, and the Cannon Beach coast were two of the most breathtaking places in Oregon, and don’t forget the scenic overlook, of Multnomah Falls (a few miles east of Portland city).

Time for the photos, as usual, and as always, all opinions remain those of where I’ve travelled.


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