Red River Gorge, Kentucky

Clip in and climb on!

Red River Gorge is only an hour and a half – two hours away from Louisville by car, so if you’re there, it’s worth a day trip. You can hike, kayak, camp, etc. without having to climb. Since it’s a popular climbing spot, however, I’ll talk about that.

Lead climbing/top-rope climbing is one of my favorite sports, along with tennis and distance running, so after visiting the Gorge, I highly recommend it to others.

The Red River Gorge is a popular spot for lead-climbing enthusiasts to go test their skills on the real rock walls. I’ve had the pleasure of climbing here several times.
If you go to The Red, bring plenty of water, hiking shoes until you reach the pitches, some food (enough until to tide you over until the pizza at Miguel’s pizza/campsite), and if you’re looking for climbers, simply head over to Miguel’s, as that’s where most climbers camp and eat, anyway.

Other than that, bring chalk, as the sandstone is a delight to climb (it’s like velcro for your fingers and shoes), and a guide book. A lot of climbs are intermediate level (5.9-5.10 range) but a lot of them are advanced (5.11 and up) so the guide book will save you a lot of problems. Or, simply check out this website for Red River Gorge route information. Happy climbing!

All opinions are my own.

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